A cure for chlorosis. Garden Rx reveals this sensational method to treat your plants for iron chlorosis, a common problem solved by adding iron to the soil.
Chlorosis is a common problem that many gardeners encounter when certain plants develop yellowing leaves due to a lack of chlorophyll production. This condition can severely impact the overall health and vigor of the plants, resulting in stunted growth and reduced flower or fruit production.
However, PBS-TV’s GardenRx has come up with an effective cure for chlorosis, providing growers with a solution to revive their struggling plants.
PBS-TV’s Loren Nancarrow reveals this sensational method to treat your plants for iron chlorosis.
How to tell if your plants are suffering with chlorosis? Leaves are yellow but the veins will be green.
The plant’s inability to extract sufficient iron from the soil causes iron chlorosis. Soil pH, which measures the acidity of the soil, is the reason for this inability to extract iron. The presence of iron chlorosis in a plant is a sign that the soil is too alkaline for the plant. The pH of the soil is a number between 1 and 14. However, most plants do well in soil with a pH of 4 to 8. Plant life simply cannot grow at any lower or higher elevation.
Iron chlorosis is prevalent in numerous soil types and is exacerbated by excessive soil moisture, soil salinity, high phosphorous concentrations, relatively high copper, manganese, and zinc concentrations, low or high soil temperatures, substantial organic matter additions, or ineffective root function caused by nematodes or fungal pathogens. The presence of lime in the soil as a predisposing factor is the most significant factor. The soil is made more alkaline or “sweetened” with lime. Plants that prefer soil that is more acidic may develop chlorosis if the soil contains too much lime.
The capacity of plants to acquire and utilize iron varies. This is especially clear when there are noticeable differences in chlorosis between adjacent plants. While some plant species can successfully grow in native high-pH soils, others can only obtain iron from alkaline soils
A cure for chlorosis. Garden Rx reveals this sensational method to treat your plants for iron chlorosis, a common problem solved by adding iron to the soil.
Watch our short video to see how we make our own treatment solution.
Use 1 tablespoon of kelp extra per gallon of water and spray on leaves biweekly.
Also you can make an iron fertilizer, made from old scouring pads.
Place 1 used steel wool pad in a container with 1 quart of water. Let sit for a week and use 1 to 2 tablespoons of the iron water in every gallon of water for the plants.
In conclusion, PBS-TV’s GardenRx provides an invaluable cure for chlorosis with a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying causes and provides targeted solutions. By following their expert advice, gardeners can effectively combat chlorosis and restore the health and beauty of their plants.