Treat Mildew on Plants

white powdery mildew on green leaves

Treat Mildew on Plants with Two Great Anti Fungal Rx

Treat Mildew on Plants | We’ll show you two really great homemade spray recipes for treating powdery white mildew on plants.

Mildew is a common plant disease that can affect various types of plants in the garden. If left untreated, it can inhibit plant growth and even cause death in severe cases.

loren nancarrow

Fortunately, there are several methods you can use to effectively treat mildew on plants.

PBS-TV’s Loren Nancarrow shows your a better way to treat mildew on plants.

1. Identify the affected plants: Inspect your garden regularly and identify the plants that have developed mildew. Mildew appears as white or gray powdery patches on the leaves, stems, or flowers.

2. Isolate affected plants: Once you’ve identified the plants with mildew, it’s important to isolate them from healthy plants to prevent the spread of the disease. This can be done by physically separating them or creating a barrier with plastic or a plant quarantine tent.

3. Prune infected parts: Start by pruning any heavily infected leaves, stems, or flowers. This will help remove the most severely affected areas and promote better air circulation around the plant, reducing the chances of further spread.

4. Improve airflow: Mildew thrives in humid and stagnant conditions. Increase airflow around the affected plants by spacing them out if they are planted too closely together. Additionally, remove any weeds or debris that may be blocking air movement in the garden.

5. Water the plants properly: Avoid overhead watering, as it can create a favorable environment for mildew growth. Instead, water at the base of the plant to keep the foliage dry. Water in the morning to allow sufficient time for the leaves to dry during the day.

Treat Mildew on Plants | We’ll show you two really great homemade spray recipes for treating powdery white mildew on plants.

6. Apply homemade remedies: There are several natural remedies you can use to control mildew. These include: a. Baking soda solution: Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda, a few drops of liquid soap, and 1 gallon of water. Spray this solution directly on the affected areas of the plant. Repeat every 10 days until the mildew is under control. b. Neem oil: Dilute neem oil according to the manufacturer’s instructions and spray it on the plants. Neem oil has antifungal properties that can help combat mildew. c. Milk spray: Mix 1 part milk with 9 parts water and spray it on the affected plants. The proteins in milk have been found to have mildew-fighting abilities.

7. Use commercial fungicides: If the homemade remedies don’t provide satisfactory results, you can opt for commercial fungicides specifically formulated to treat powdery mildew. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer and take all necessary safety precautions.

8. Maintain plant health: Ensure your plants are healthy and well-nourished. A strong, healthy plant is more resistant to diseases like mildew. Provide appropriate nutrients, adequate sunlight, and proper care to boost their immune system.Remember, prevention is key in controlling mildew. Regularly inspect your plants, monitor environmental conditions, and take prompt action at the first sign of mildew.

Here’s the recipe we used in the video.

spray bottle

Combine the following to treat plants for powdery mildew:

2 quarts of water
1 tablespoon of baking soda
1 tablespoon of canola vegetable oil.

veggie oil

Pour the mixture into a sprayer and cover the entire plant, including the underside of the leaves and stems, in an even coat. The mix spreads and adheres to the leaf surface thanks to the waxy oil.

By following these tips and implementing appropriate treatments, you can effectively treat mildew on your plants and keep your garden healthy and thriving.

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